Heritage Education and Research Services

13269 Bevelheimer Road, Westerville, OH  43081


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About Heritage ERS

Heritage Education and Research Services registered for business in the State of Ohio in January 2004 and has since conducted over 100 CRM-related projects in Ohio. Joni L. Manson, Ph.D., RPA, is the Owner and Principal Investigator for the business. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Pittsburgh and her Master's and Doctoral degrees from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and meets the Secretary of Interior's professional qualifications for prehistoric and historic archaeology and history. Dr. Manson has more than 25 years of experience in archaeology and historic preservation, including nine years working at the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. She has conducted research in Arizona, Montana, North Dakota, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, southeastern Europe, and Micronesia. Dr. Manson has received grants Testing thermal diffusity of prehistoric pottery.from the National Park Service's National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Institute of International Education (Fulbright Scholarship). She has a record of successfully completing projects involving fieldwork, lab analyses, technical report preparation, archival records and collections research, grant applications, teaching duties, presentations at professional meetings, and publishing. She is an active member of the Ohio Archaeological Council, the Register of Professional Archaeologists, the Society for American Archaeology, and Sigma Xi, and also serves on her township's zoning commission. Her major research interests include archaeological method and theory, North American and European prehistory, human ecology and subsistence strategies, archaeomagnetic dating of prehistoric pottery, transportation and trade routes, functional analyses of prehistoric pottery, and socioeconomic scaling of historic ceramics. You can reach her at the address and telephone number above or you can contact her by emailing jmanson@heritageers.com.